Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Future Dr. Easton

Just had to share these pics..he makes my heart melt!

Michael's dad bought Easton these baby scrubs when we were in the hospital. When we brought him home I thought it would be forever till his little body would grow into them! I'm finding that he is growing too fast to wear all his clothes! So sad..I wish I could keep him this little forever..no, nevermind..I want to have a full nights sleep again :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I hate colds!!!

It is not the most wonderful time of the year in our household right now...Easton has his first cold! Boo hoo. Michael and I have had a never ending cold since before Christmas, and we thought we were in the clear of him getting it...nope! He hasn't started the draining process yet (which I'm dreading)but its a comin! I hope you are healthy and happy today! I'm so happy that our heater works, so nice and toasty!I will be home bound until its warms up a bit, I'm such a sissy in the cold.